Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Have you bloomed lately?

First things first: I am not talking about daisies nor geraniums nor whichever flower that is expected to be blooming at this time of year, yet, for whatever reason, is not blooming for you. So if you are a budding home horticulturalist I am truly sorry. No. I am talking about YOU. Are you a late bloomer as I am? Has it taken you a while to get warmed up? If so, you have come to the right place.

Now, it is quite possible that no one but a privileged few family and friends will read this blog. That's okay. I may end up only talking to myself and that's fine as well. My mission in establishing this blog is to remind and encourage myself, if no one else, that life may, indeed for some, begin at 35 or 49 or 62 or whenever. We are fortunate enough to live in a "first world" country whereby just getting enough to eat is not a concern for MOST of us and where the luxury of taking time to "finding oneself" is possible at any age. For me and, perhaps, for you as well, that age is now.

I will share inspirational stories of people who are admired by many and who began their journey to greatness relatively late in life. I will also share information about regular everyday folks who just decided that that "now" was the time to take their lives in a different direction without regard to their age. Additonally, I would like to gather information on careers and business opportunities that are favorable to people of any age.
Finally (maybe- it is my blog ,after all), I would love to explore the emotional and spiritual barriers to "blooming" at all, whether early or lately.

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